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Research Projects

Project Code:124K756
Project Title: A Research on Access to Affordable Rental Housing in Turkey: Causes, Social Processes, and Public Policy Recommendations
Project Team: Ezgi Doğru and Işıl Erol

Project Abstract:

The aim of the project is to uncover the causes, patterns, and consequences of the rental housing crisis in Turkey, identify best practices from international experiences, and propose evidence-based public policy recommendations to make the rental housing sector both accessible and affordable. The importance of the affordable rental housing problem in Turkey extends beyond individual cases of landlord-tenant lawsuits in courts because it is a multidimensional phenomenon that can lead to significant economic, sociological, and political consequences. The increasing number of eviction and rent determination cases reported in the media, conflicts between tenants and landlords resulting in rulings in criminal courts, and the reverse migration waves beginning in major cities all point to the depth of the crisis and the urgency of its resolution. The statement in paragraph 861 of the "Policy and Measures" section of the 12th Development Plan, which highlights the support for research and projects aimed at determining the quality of housing supply and demand through data-based analyses, is one of the fundamental bases for the proposed study (Ministry of Development 2023: 209). The primary research questions of the project are: why the accessible rental housing crisis emerged in Turkey, how it has manifested in patterns, what consequences it has led to, and which public policy recommendations, informed by international experiences, can effectively address it.

Project Title: Neo-Farmers, Rural Transformation and Rural Gentrification in Turkey
Project Team: Candan Türkkan and Işıl Erol

Project Abstract: The proposed research aims to examine how neo-farmers trigger economic and spatial transformations in the places they migrate to and to assess whether these transformations constitute rural gentrification. In doing so, it makes contributions to literatures on counterurbanization and rural gentrification and public policies on rural development.

Project Title: On-Campus Smart Urban Farming: Vertical Farm and Aquaponic Garden Prototype Design and Development on OzU Campus
Project Team: Işıl Erol, Nagihan Çömez, Candan Türkkan, Özge Samancı, Tangör Tan ve Defne Tüysüzoğlu

Project Abstract:

The aim of the proposed project is twofold: (1) to design and implement small-scale innovative urban agriculture prototypes – e.g., a vertical farm and an aquaponic garden – on OzU campus in collaboration with Le Cordon Bleu as an initial end-user and (2) to implement vertical farming to increase the experiential quality of space and develop commercial urban agriculture business models in Istanbul with potential end-users.