Özge Samancı
- History (City and Food Culture in the Ottoman Modernization Period, Istanbul Cuisine, Food and Drink Places)
Candan Türkkan
- Food and Sustainability, Alternative Food Networks, Global Food Movements, Urban-Rural Dynamics, Political Economy of Turkish Agriculture, Role of Agriculture in Liberal Political Thought and Critiques of Capitalism
Tangör Tan
* Kırsalda çiftçilerin, köylülerin ve kooperatiflerin gastronomideki rolü.
- The key role of local farmers, peasants and cooperatives in gastronomy.
- Eco - gastronomical perspective of Anatolian local ingredients and their processing culture.
- Quality of local food products from a social and cultural perspective.
- Local food productions and its agricultural practices in the rural area of Anatolia plus beyond border of Turkey.
- Sustainability of local production